Mr. M. V. Narasimha Rao (DIN: 06761474), a Civil Engineer with Post Graduation in Structural Engineering has about 40 years of rich professional experience in the design and construction supervision of large number and various types of road and bridge projects, particularly on 4-lane roads and Expressways. He began his professional career in AP Roads & Buildings Department and has served the Government of Andhra Pradesh in various capacities till he opted for Voluntary Retirement as Superintending Engineer. He also worked on Deputation to National Highways Authority of India for 5 years and was Project Director for two Projects in Golden Quadrilateral Program. He worked as Resident Engineer for a US Consultancy firm in Afghanistan. He headed the Concessionaire’s site organization for 4 BOT projects and is presently heading the Indian Operations of another US Consulting Company. He is empanelled as an Arbitrator by IRC and as Disputes Review Expert by the Indian Council of Arbitrators. He is presently appointed as Chairman of Disputes Board by the Andhra Pradesh Road Development Corporation for a World Bank Aided project in Andhra Pradesh. He functioned as Disputes Review Expert for one project, Presiding Arbitrator on two Arbitral Tribunals and was Arbitrator on two Arbitral Tribunals till date.
He is fully conversant with the IRC & ASHTO Specifications and ASTM Standards as well as Indian Road congress Standard design procedures and Indian Ministry of Surface Transport Specifications involved in the design and execution of Caissons, Wells and Pile foundations with Reinforced Cement Concrete and Pre-stressed Concrete Superstructure bridges as well as Highways using modern state of the art construction equipment and specifications. He has excellent knowledge and hands on experience in BOT Projects, Construction Supervision of different components of highways and bridges; Management and Planning, allocation of resources as well as costing and cost control. He also has experience in Quality Assurance systems and Quality Control procedures. He is well versed with Project Management and Contract Administration of projects and is updated with modern technology. He is well conversant with FIDIC conditions of contract, Indian Contract Act as well as The Arbitration and Conciliation Act and can handle contract related correspondence and arbitration matters with ease.
He is an Independent Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gayatri Highways Limited. He is also Chairman of Audit Committee & Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and Member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee & Stakeholders' Relationship Committee of Gayatri Highways Limited.
Mr. G. JagannadhaRao (DIN: 01059819), is our Company’s Non-Executive and Independent Director. He holds a B.Tech in civil Engineering from College of Engineering, Kakinada, J.N.T. University during 1973-78 and M. Tech, Structural Engineering from J.N.T.University, Hyderabad in 1984. Joined R&B Department as Junior Engineer on 18 May 1978, immediately upon graduation, Worked as Junior Engineer/Assistant Executive Engineer for 4 years- one year in Designs wing, two years in Investigation Division and one year in Road Research Station, Hyderabad, Appeared for Direct recruit Dy Executive Engineers examination conducted by APPSC in 1981 and secured 25th rank, Joined as Direct recruit Dy Executive Engineer on 16 August 1982, Worked as DEE in NH Designs wing, Hyderabad from 1982 to 1988, Worked as DEE, West Sub- Division, Kakinada from 1988 to 1991, Worked as Resident Engineer (Executive Engineer cadre) in ADB Project at Visakhapatnam and completed the first four lane Project in AP from Visakhapatnam to Gajuwaka, Worked as EE, NH Division, Visakhapatnam from from 1996 to 1999 and looked after Maintenance and improvement of NHs in Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram and Srikakulam districts, Joined National Highways Authority of India on deputation as Dy General Manager in 1999 and worked as Project Director, PIUs at Guntur and Rajahmundry for 5 years. Completed 300 km length of four laning of NH5(currently NH16) from Chilakaluripet to Vijayawada and Gundugolanu to Tuni, Promoted as Superintending Engineer in R&B Department in June 2003. Continued as General Manager and Project Director in NHAI upto Feb 2004, Joined as SE, Electrical on repatriation from NHAI and worked for 3months in Hyderabad. Joined as SE NH Hyderabad in May 2004 and continued upto Feb 2006. Instrumental in maintenance and improvement of NHs in Telangana region of AP, Joined Hyderabad Growth Corridor Limited, an SPV created by Govt. of AP for implementation of 158km long Nehru Outer Ring Road around Hyderabad city and Radial roads in the city in the cadre of Chief Engineer on deputation. Total Project cost: Rs 6000cr. The ORR Project is first of it's kind in India and also abroad as it is constructed as an eight Lane access controlled Expressway and two Lane Service roads on either side, with provision of 25m width for future transport corridor. Worked for 5years since inception and completed procurement for all 13 packages and completed about 75% of the same, On repatriation from HGCL joined as Chief Engineer PPP& LWE from May 2011 to Feb 2013. Implemented two mega road projects taken up on PPP mode as BoT-Toll contracts, covering a length of about 420km on State Highways. Viz., Rajiv rahadari from Hyderabad to Manchiryal via Karimnagar and Narketpally-Addanki- Madarametla road. Initiated preparation of Techno- economic Feasibility Reports for 12 State Highways covering a length of about 2800km, by engaging Consultants, Joined as Chief Engineer R&B CRN & Managing Director, APRDC in Feb 2013. Implemented AP Road Sector Project taken up with loan Assistance of World Bank to the tune of 265 million USD. Responsible for maintenance and improvement of State Highways with State budget. Undertaken preparation of Detailed Project Reports for development of 11 State Highway corridors as four Lane roads under Visakhapatnam- Chennai Industrial Corridor Project taken up with loan assistance of Asian Development Bank. DPRs are completed and procurement for one Road Project from Samalkot to Rajanagaram in E.G. District is now in progress and Took charge as Engineer in Chief R&B Admn., SH and MD, APRDC in May 2017 and continued till retirement.
He is an Independent Director of Gayatri Highways Limited and also Chairman of Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Member of Audit Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee & Stakeholders' Relationship Committee of Gayatri Highways Limited. He is also an Independent Director of HKR Roadways Limited.
Mrs. Laxmi Pamarthy (DIN: 08051632), is our Company’s Non-Executive and Independent Director. He holds a M.Tech (Structural Engineering) (1982)fromP.G. School of Continuing Technological Education, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, Post Graduate Diploma, Alternative Dispute Resolution, ICADR, NALSAR, India, 2014 and B. E. Civil Engineering (1977) College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Mrs. LaxmiPamarthy is a Civil Engineer with Post Graduation in Structural Engineering has over 40 years of rich professional experience in the design, construction supervision and Contract Management of large number and various types of road and bridge projects, particularly on 4-lane roads and Expressways. She is fully conversant with the IRC &ASHTO Specifications and ASTM Standards as well as Indian Road Congress Standard design procedures and Indian Ministry of Surface Transport Specifications involved in the design and execution of Caissons, Wells and Pile foundations with Reinforced Cement Concrete and Pre-stressed Concrete Superstructure bridges as well as Highways using modern state of the art construction equipment and specifications. She has excellent knowledge and hands on experience in BOT Projects over 5 Years, Construction Supervision of different components of highways and bridges, organization, elaboration of reports and handling of contractor’s Monthly statements; Management and Planning, allocation of resources as well as costing and cost control. She also has experience in Quality Assurance systems and Quality Control procedures. She is well versed with Project Management and Contract Administration of projects and is updated with modern technology. She is well conversant with FIDIC conditions of contract and can handle contract related correspondence and arbitration matters with ease. She has knowledge on all three aspects of a construction project Client, Consultant and Concessionaire / Contractor
She is an Independent Director of Gayatri Highways Limited. She is also Chairperson of Stakeholders' Relationship Committee and Member of Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee & Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of Gayatri Highways Limited.
Mr. Krishnamurthy Chaturvedi (DIN: 08661228), has pursued Bachelors in Commerce degree and has over 40 years of experience in the Banking sector (State bank Group) in various capacities as Assistant Manager, Deputy Manager, Manager and Branch head dealing with accounting, operations, agricultural credit, retail credit, SME credit, Corporate credit, marketing, customer relations and internal audit.
He is an Independent Director of Gayatri Highways Limited. He is also an Independent Director of Gayatri Jhansi Roadways Limited, Gayatri Lalitpur Roadways Limited, Hyderabad Expressways Limited, Cyberabad Expressways Limited, Balaji Highways Holding Private Limited, Sai Maatarini Tollways Limited and Indore Dewas Tollways Limited.
Mr. Desina Balarama Krishna (DIN: 08846055), is a Fellow Company Secretary and has over 10 year of professional experience as a Company Secretary with core working knowledge and experience in Company Law, RBI, FEMA and NBFC Compliances.
Also, a Faculty with over 10 years of teaching experience in various professional educational institutes for the students of CS, CA and CWA.
Regular Guest Speaker for SEMINARS on subjects of Company Law and Practice, Commercial Laws, Industrial Laws and Labour Laws in colleges and institutes.
He is an Independent Director of Gayatri Highways Limited. He is also an Independent Director of Hyderabad Expressways Limited, Cyberabad Expressways Limited and BSCPL Infrastructure Limited and Non-Executive Director of NSL Sugars (Tungabhadra) Limited and Designated Partner of BK Corporate Consultants LLP.
Ms. Venkata Sindhuja Pothapragada (DIN: 08852765), Has professional experience as a Company Secretary with core working knowledge and experience in Company Law, RBI, FEMA, IPR compliances.
She is an Independent Director of Gayatri Highways Limited. She is also an Independent Director of Balaji Highways Holding Private Limited and Director of Imply Data India Private Limited and ED Ventures E-Learning Private Limited.