Certificate under Reg 74(5) of SEBI (DP) Reg for the Quarter 30.09.2024
Defaults Payment of Interest and Principal dues as on 30.09.2024 by GHL
Defaults of Subsidiaries of the Listed Entity as on 30.09.2024
Update on Disclosure under Reg 30 w.r.t Re-appointment of Independent Director
Proceedings of the 18" Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Trading window closing intimation 21/09/2024
Update on execution of Securities Purchase and Subscription
Defaults of Subsidiaries of the Listed Entity as on 31.08.2024
Disclosure under Reg 30 w.r.t Amount received by the Company
Disclosure under Reg 30 w.r.t Agreements and Sale of Stake in the Assocaites
Disclosure under Reg 30 w.r.t Acquisition of Shares
Defaultsof Subsidiaries of the Listed Entity as on 31.07.2024.
Disclosure under Reg 30 w.r.t Re-appointment of Independent Director
Book Closure date for AGM to be held in the month of September, 2024
Board Meeting Outcome dt 30th July, 2024
Certificate under Reg 74(5) of SEBI (DP) Reg for the Quarter 30.06.2024
Defaults Payment of Interest and Principal dues as on 30.06.2024 by GHL
Defaults of Listed Entity and its Subsidiaries as on 30.06.2024
Trading window closing intimation 24/06/2024
Defaults of Listed Entity and its Subsidiaries as on 31.05.2024
Related Party Transaction Pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (LODR)- 31.03.2024
Board Meeting Outcome dt 29th May, 2024
Defaults of Listed Entity and its Subsidiaries as on 30.04.2024
Defaults Payment of Interest and Principal dues as on 31.03.2024 by GHL
Defaults of Listed Entity and its Subsidiaries as on 31.03.2024
Trading window closing intimation 22/03/2024
SMTL - Disclosure under Regulation 30
Defaults of Listed Entity and its Subsidiaries as on 29/02/2024
Board Meeting Outcome dt 13th February, 2024
Defaults of Listed Entity and its Subsidiaries as on 31.01.2024
Certificate under Reg 74(5) of SEBI (DP) Reg for the Quarter 31.12.2023
Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 01/01/2024
Defaults due payable as 01/01/2024
Trading window closing intimation 22/12/2023
Subsidiaries Defaults as on 30/11/2023
Related Party Transaction Pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (LODR)- 30/09/2023
Disclosure of event with respect to subsidiary as per Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
defaults of Listed entity & Subsidiaries Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Certificate 74(5) SEBI(DP) 2nd Qtr 30-09-2023
Bank Repayment Default Intimation as on 03/10/2023
Subsidiaries Defaults as on 30/09/2023
Trading window closing intimation 22/09/2023
Defaults due payable as 01/09/2023
Intimation of Book Closure for the 17th AGM
Board Meeting Outcome dt 10th August, 2023
Defaults due payable as 30/06/2023
Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 01/07/2023
Trading window closing intimation 23/06/2023
Related Party Transaction Pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (LODR)- 31.03.2023
Structured Digital Database Compliance Certificate for the Quarter ended 31/03/2023
Certificate 74(5) SEBI(DP) 4th Qtr 31-03-2023
GHL Large Corporates 07-04-2023
GHL Reg 40-9 disclosure 07-04-2023
GHL Reg 7-3 disclosure 07-04-2023
Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 01/04/2023
Trading window closing intimation 25-03-2023
Intimation Reg 30 Shifting of Regdoffice
SDD Compliance Certificate as on 19-01-2023
Certificate 74(5) SEBI(DP) 3rd Qtr 31-12-2022
GHL Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 02-01-2023
Trading window closing intimation 22-12-2022
Related Party Transaction Half year end 30-09-2022
Certificate Reg 74(5) SEBI(DP) Reg
Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 01-10-2022
GHL Trading window closing intimation 27-09-2022
Intimation Reg 30 Reapointment of Independent Director 10-08-2022
Intimation Reg 30 Appointment of Statutory Auditor 10-08-2022
GHL Outcome FR AGM BCR of BM 10-08-2022
GHL Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly final 30-06-2022
Trading window closing intimation 23-06-2022
Related Party Transaction Pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (LODR)- 31-03-2022
NHAI Suspension Notice 28-05-2022
GHL Intimation of date of Board Meeting 24-05-2022
GHL Reg 7-3 disclosure 05-04-2022
GHL Reg 40-9 disclosure 05-04-2022
GHL Reg 74 Disclosure 05-04-2022
GHL Large Corporates 04-04-2022
GHL Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 04-04-2022
GHL RTA NAME CHANGE Intimation Letter
GHL Trading window closing intimation 24-03-2022
Board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges 18-01-2022
GHL Certificate under Reg 74(5) SEBI(DP)Reg 2018 FINAL
GHL Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 03-01-2022
GHL Related Party Transaction Report 30-09-2021 to 03-12-2021
board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges (12/1112021)
Acquistion Completion (14/10/2021)
GHL Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 01-10-2021 FINAL
AGM Proceedings 28-09-2021 Final
Trading window closing intimation 24-09-2021
GHL Outcome FR AGM BCR of BM 09-08-2021 FINAL
GHL Board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges 28-07-2021
GHL loan default disclosure 16-07-2021
GHL Reg 745 Disclosure 05-07-2021
GHL Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly final 30-06-2021
GHL Trading window closing intimation 29-06-2021
GHL Disclosure for Acquistion Completion 29-06-2021
GHL Disclosure for Acquistion Completion 22-06-2021
GHL loan default disclosure 15-06-2021
Related Party Transaction Pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (LODR) 31-03-2021
GHL Intimation of date of Board Meeting 01-06-2021
GHL loan default disclosure 15-04-2021
GHL Reg 40 9 Disclosure 06-04-2021
GHL Reg 7 3 Disclosure 06-04-2021
GHL Reg 745 Disclosure 06-04-2021
GHL bank repayment default intimation quarterly 03-04-2021
SMTL Termination Payment 02-04-2021
Trading window closing intimation 25-03-2021
GHL Disclosure for Acquistion Completion 25-03-2021
GHL Disclosure for Acquisition of Stake in HKRRL 22-03-2021
GHL Disclosure for Acquistion Completion 02-03-2021
GHL Disclosure for Acquisition of Stake in BHHPL 19-02-2021
GHL Bank repayment default intimation 15-02-2021
Board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges 19-01-2021
GHL Letter Reg 74(5) 05-01-2021
Trading window closing intimation 24-12-2020
Disclosure of defaults on payment of interest/ principal amt on loans
GHL CFS Related Party Notes Half year ended 30-09-2020 - 11-11-2020
Board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges 20-10-2020
Covering letter regulation 74(5) 10-10-2020 FINAL
GHL AGM Proceedings 29-09-2020
Trading window closing intimation
Intimation to Stock Exchange Reg 30 Appt of ID 28-08-2020
Board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges 20-07-2020
GHL Reg-745 Disclosure 07-07-2020
GHL Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 30-06-2020
GHL CFS Related Party Notes Half year and year ended 31-03-2020
Trading window closing intimation 27-06-2020
GHL Outcome of Board Meeting 23-06-2020
GHL Intimation of date of Board Meeting 15-06-2020
GHL Bank repayment default intimation 30-05-2020
GHL loan default Disclosure April 2020
Default of loan monthhly disclosure 30-03-2020
Trading window closure 31-03-2020
Quarterly disclosure of default of loan 06-04-2020
Reg 7(3) disclosure 24-04-2020
Reg 40(9) disclosure 24-04-2020
Reg 74(5) Disclosure 24-04-2020
Bank repayment default intimation monthly 31-01-2020
GHL Bank repayment default intimation monthly 31-01-2020
Intimation to Stock Exchange Reg 30 Appt of ID and secretarial auditor
Out come of Board meeting 14-02-2020
Termination of contract of SMTL 30-01-2020
Board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges 29-01-2020
GHL Bank repayment default intimation Quarterly 03-01-2020
GHL Certificate under Reg 745 03-01-2020
GHL Bank repayment default intimation monthly 30-12-2019
Trading window closing intimation 23-12-2019
Share tranfer agent name change KFIN Technologies Intimation letter
Related Party Transaction Pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (LODR)
Out come of Board meeting 13-11-2019
Board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges 13-11-2019
Certificate under Reg 74(5) SEBI(DP)Reg 2018
Trading window closing intimation for the half year ended 30-09-2019
GHL Intimation of Book Closure 13-08-2019
Certificate under Reg 74(5) SEBI(DP)Reg 2018
Board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges 12-07-2019
Trading window closing intimation for the First Quarter- 30-06-2019
Related Party Transaction Pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (LODR)
Out come of Board meeting 27-05-2019
Board Meeting Intimation to stock exchanges 16-05-2019
GHL - Winning of award by JV 08-04-2019
Trading Window Closing Intimation
Covering Letter Termination Of Contract Of SMTL
Out come of Board meeting 13-02-2019
Board Meeting Intimation to Stock Exchanges 02-02-2019
Out come of Board meeting 09-11-2018
Board Meeting intimation to be held on 9-11-2018
Resignation of Purnachander Rao 05-10-2018